Like the Daily Llama, I’ve decided to move on, break camp, and head for the beach.
As that great man so very rightly said,
“All the world’s major religions, with their emphasis on love, compassion, patience, tolerance, and forgiveness can and do promote inner values. But the reality of the world today is that grounding ethics in religion is no longer adequate. This is why I am increasingly convinced that the time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics beyond religion altogether.”
Blows your mind, don't it? What a man! What a spiritual leader!
As my help-meat and I were sitting eating our frugal repast today, frugal, cuz we spent our benefit yesterday, she turned to me and said,
"Here! That daft Left-footer's rabbiting on about some Mundabor who's got his knickers in a twist about the Daily Lammer!"
I looked at the computer screen. The poor silly girl can hardly read when she's stoned, but when I read Mundabor's blog, I was flabbergasted, over the moon.
And of course the Llama is 100% right.
What has religion done for the world? I'll tell you!
Caused all the wars in history
Led to the crusades, for which popes can never apologise enough
Led to the Spanish Inquisition, which burned millions of Jews, Protestants, Muslims, Hindus, Budhdhists, Rastafarians, and freemaisonettes to death
Stops our Queen getting divorced and marrying a Wiccan
Led to forced male and female circumspection and other mutations
Been the opium of the people, like Carl Marks wrote. I'm all for opium, but the real stuff, please, not that kitszy stuff that makes people accept anything their told, provided the person laying down the law is wearing funny clothes (no offence, Dalai Llama!)
In other words, religion is not for the common good (eh Benny Ratstinker?) and it's time to dump it in the dustbin of history!
So I say we should give a big-up to the Daily Larva, Bertrand Rustle, Dicky Dorkins, and all those brave and honest people who can set forth, godless and undismayed, on the only pilgrimage worth making....
The Search For Truth